■項 目
1.聖書について Bible
2.神について God
3.人間の創造について Creation Of Mankind
4.人間の堕落について Depravity Of Mankind
5.イエス・キリストについてJesus Christ
6.救いについて Salvation
7.聖霊と聖化について Holy Spirit
8.教会について Church
9.礼典について Sacrament
10.終末の希望について Hope of End Time
About the Bible
We believe that the Bible, which consists of a total of 66 volumes, the Old and New Testaments, is the only written “word of God.” The Bible is a living book, written by men moved by the Holy Spirit.
About God
We believe in a holy, righteous, loving, only living and true God. This God is Spirit Who is omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresent, infinite, eternal, and immutability. He is the triune God of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Creator of all things, the source and the sustainer of all things, the Redeemer, and the Sovereign Ruler over all.
About human creation
We believe that humans are created by the will of God’s love, for the glory of God, and created in God’s image. Man was created as a good work of God male and female. Human beings were created as beings who should love each other with God and love each other.
About the fall of man
We believe that humans have been tempted by Satan to disobey God’s command, destroy their relationship with God through sin, and become a being in conflict with God and people. As a result of sin, human nature has been corrupted in all areas, and all mankind has become a sinner, and subject to death. Without salvation from God, human beings have no choice but to be punished for their sins and perish forever.
About Jesus Christ
We believe in Jesus Christ , the Son of God, from the beginning of eternity. Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and lived a sinless life is true God and at the same time true man . Jesus Christ is the only Savior. He shed blood on the cross as a substitute for our sins,7 died and was buried, and on the third day rose again in a glorious body,8, ascended into heaven and sat at the right hand of God the Father,9, Please intercede for me. He will come to earth again at the end of the world.
About salvation
We believe that the necessary price for our salvation has already been paid through the atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross . Through this redemption, we have been forgiven of our sins, accepted as righteousness, became children of God, and received eternal life. It is an amazing gift of grace from God. Those who are born again by the Holy Spirit , who have repented of their sins who have sincerely believed in Jesus Christ as their Savior and who have confessed Him as their Savior , will participate in this salvation.
There is no other way for us to be saved than this salvation. Those who receive this salvation will live as new creations on earth and will be preserved in this salvation forever.
About the holy spirit
We believe in the Holy Spirit , who is God, and believe that only through the Holy Spirit can a person make a true confession that “Jesus is Lord”. The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, invites us to Jesus Christ as our Savior, makes us born again, and leads us to salvation by faith. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit dwells within us and gives us the gifts that we need to serve God through the Church, making us Christlike in character, character, and conduct according to His Word. Please continue to change to . As a guarantee of salvation, we are sealed with the promised Holy Spirit for the day we inherit the kingdom.
About the church
We believe in one church, which is the body of Christ. This invisible universal church is God’s family, the community of those who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord, confess and are saved. Under the guidance of God-appointed leaders, our mission is to worship God, observe the sacraments, and preach the gospel until the end of the world . Each of us personally participates in the fellowship of this church, builds it up in love, and actively takes responsibility for carrying out its mission.
9.礼典について Sacrament
About the Sacrament Sacrament
We believe that the sacraments instituted by Christ Himself are baptism and the Lord’s Supper , which are symbolic to be performed in local churches until the Lord comes again.
10.終末の希望について Hope Of End Time
Hope Of End Time
We believe that our Savior, Jesus Christ, will return in a visible form in great power and glory. Through this Second Coming, Christ will receive His Bride, the Church, and give believers a new spiritual body, completing salvation. Those who do not believe will be rewarded with eternal destruction. After reigning over the millennial kingdom of the earth with the resurrected saints, the Lord will also renew all things and hand over the kingdom to God the Father. Therefore, the second coming of Christ is our hope. We firmly believe in this hope, responding with daily actions of faith throughout our lives.