宣教師:阿見フランシス(OM Miyagi Japan)Missionary: Francis Ami (OM Miyagi Japan)香港出身。好きな食べ物はチョコレート。 Frances was born in Hong Kong. She likes everything about chocolate. 賛美とお笑いが大好きな2児の母。 She also loves worship and laughing. 教会の中では説教奉仕や、賛美奉仕、セルグループリーダーの育成、路上生活者支援や子ども食堂など、慈善ミニストリーの働きをリード。 She serves in teaching, worship, training up cell group leaders, supporting homeless, kids cafeteria, etc. She also leads in some voluntary ministries. 趣味は、お菓子作り。洋服作り。パン作り。最近は編み物にどハマり中。 She is interested in cooking especially for dessert and bread, making clothes. Recently she is addictive in knitting. |
宣教師:ベサニー・パニアン (アジアンアクセス)Missionary: Bethany Panian (Asian Access)アメリカ・セントルイス出身 She was born in St. Louis, Missouri in the United States. 2016年10月に来日。宣教の働きをスタート Bethany came to Japan in October 2016 and started her mission. 現在日本語と日本文化の学びを深めながら、日々地域で宣教活動中。 She is now learning Japanese and related cultures, meanwhile carrying out her mission activities in daily life. 教会内では祈りの働きや女性のリーダーづくりに従事。 She is working for the prayer ministry and training up female leaders. |