略歴 A Brief History of PCC
2011年:9月 阿見高洋先生 拡大宣教学院卒業。
2011: In September, Pastor Ami Sensei graduated from Kakudai Missions Institute.
2015年:教会のコアチームSLT(Servant Leaders Team)がスタート
2015: The church’s core team, called the Servant Leader Team (ALT) begins.
2016年9月: べサニー·パニアン宣教師:アジアンアクセスより派遣
2016: In September, the church welcomed Asian Access missionary Bethany Panian to serve full time.
2017年4月: 阿見高洋先生 JCGI研修スタートMusic Bar から同じビルの5階に移動。
2017: In April, Pastor Ami Sensei began the Japan Church Growth Institute (JCGI) pastoral training through Asian Access Japan.
In September, the church moved out of the bar SOUL LIFE and moved up to the 5th floor of the same building in downtown Sendai.
2018年11月: 阿見高洋先生 JCGI研修卒業